I've just uploaded some older scans onto my new computer, and I thought it would be nice to offer a sort of best selection of my pictures up until now. They are representative of my travels since I have been in Europe, from my first days in Exeter, into the Devon countryside, Netherlands, and Korea. This is the first set from my early rambles in Exeter and its countryside.

This is an angel carved on the side of Exeter Cathedral. There is something solemn and representative of heavenly serenity in the angel's countenance.

This is the burial monument for Lady Dodderidge in the Exeter Cathedral. She was the wife of an important Exeter lawyer. She is garbed, almost expressionless, in perfect Elizabethan dress, yet she grasps skull. I have always been struck by the morbidity of this picture. This picture and the one above were taken on my second day in Exeter.

An old stone gateway on Dartmoor. This photograph was taken after I had been in Exeter nearly a year.
Once more into the breach,
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