Friday, February 17, 2006

Green tea cake

Ahreum is here for the weekend, and we are celebrating Valentines day a bit late this year. We're doing things low key as well. But for the menu, we are having green tea cake. I've never made a green tea dessert before, so this will be a new experience. I'll let you all know how it turns out.

But while I'm at it, I thought I'd post a link to the website where I found the recipe. It seems to be a pretty powerful recipe site for cakes, and it has a scaling function which allows you to increase or decrease the recipe by serving portions. So if its normally 12 servings, you could scale it to say, 6 or 20, and the website will do the calculation for you. That's cool. Of course what it doesn't do is scale based on pan size. So if you have a recipe for a 9 inch cake pan, and you want one that will fit an 8 inch pan, you'll have to do some calculations. If 9 inches is 12 portions how many portions will be in an 8 inch pan. We'll you can't set up a simple proportion, because we are dealing with units of volume, not length. So you'll have to calculate the volume of the pie tin. Its a cylinder, so it shouldn't be too hard. But I won't give you the full equation because I'm too lazy . But the area of a circle is Pi * (radius)^2, and the volume of a circle is height times Pi * (radius)^2. So now with that bit, it should be easy to make the calculation of how many serving sizes you need. Then let the website do the recipe modification for you.

So with no further ado, here is the web page:

If anyone tries any recipes and likes them, let me know.

Once more into the breach,


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