Friday, January 20, 2006

Back in the saddle

I am finally feeling right as rain after a long battle with congestion. The cold never really developed into a hacking cough, but the congestion has given me headaches. Anyway, its nice to be healthy.

Last night this lovely lady made kimchichigae for me, it's a traditional Korean kimchi soup. The taste is spicy and sour at the same time. There is ham and dried fish inside the soup, and a good deal of hot pepper powder. We ate it with a few big spoonfuls of rice. This is a warming and delicious meal. As they say in Korean, Jonun kimchichigaerul johamnida, or I love kimchi soup.

Of course, I am also back into the full swing of working. I have to submit 20,000 words for my PhD thesis by the end of March. This is a tall order. I've probably got 15,000 decent words on paper, but a good deal more research and polish is needed to get this work into shape. My current chapter is on the Legislator in Rousseau's political thought. I am trying to deliver a more fulsome explanation of his psychology and his role in Rousseau's thought. Taking Rousseau as a political thinker of the self, I think that only by examining and cognating the Legislator as a self, can his relationship with a political community, his aims, and his modus operandi be adequately understood.

So that's my work for the moment. But as for now, I am cooking. Making chocolate cake and then stir fry. Ahreum's visiting me in Exeter right now, and we are having company over for dinner.

Once more into the breach,



Anonymous said...

ben, this is mijung.
this pic is soooooo great. i love that. did she really good cook? ^^;

elrohil said...

Hi Mijung, thanks for you kind words. Yes, she really did a good job cooking. As far as thekimchichigae goes, it was just as good as her mother's. I was very happy.