Thursday, July 13, 2006

Socializing, Exeter meets Korea

This past week has been a pretty nice one for work and relaxation. I've finished reading a number of sources on the Cambridge Platonists and other liberal 17th century English theologians. I'm now in the final stages of my half of revision for the article I'm working on with my colleague for the Journal of the History of Philosophy. I've been able to do very substantive restructuring, and am adding new material on the discourse on charity in the 17th century.

At the same time I've been able to do some nice socializing with friends from Korea. One of Ahreum's friends from London, Sunyoung has come to study English in Exeter and stayed with us for a week while she found a new room. Last Tuesday we had a hamburger lunch with potato salad for the 4th of July with her Heejoo and Yunhan. For our Korean friends, it was the first time to have a real home made cheeseburger, and they really liked it.

Then, in order to treat Ahreum, Sunyoung and I, Heejoo arranged a Ramyun noodle party on Thursday at my place. It was nice and spicy and also light for a balmy Exeter afternoon.

Ramyun Wrappings

Sunyoung laughing

The girls had lots of talking to do, and also watched a couple of movies. I decided that we needed a tea time treat, so I decided to try my hand an English Triffle didn't require any cooking, just beating of whipping cream and washing and slicing strawberries. Put cake first, then jam, then custard, then strawberries, then cake again, jam, custard, strawberries, and whipped cream on the top. Arrange a few more strawberry slices decoratively over the top. The results are below:


Topping off the week we had a lovely party at Will's place. He is about to start an MA in Philosophy at Essex. We know him because he goes out with another Korean friend of ours, Sunyoung. I brought fresh salsa, and had a great time getting to know some new people better:

Ahreum's Almost Ready

Sunyoung and Ahreum


Drinking Buddies

Sunyoung, Sunyoung, and Ahreum

My newest culinary project is artisan bread baking. I'll have a new post on that soon.

Once more into the breach,


Saturday, July 08, 2006


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.